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8/29 Think We not Me Community Food Growing Program Update

By August 29, 2021No Comments

TWnM Many THANKS go to-

August 22nd, 25th and 29th many people ventured out to Common Ground Organic Farm where they harvested so many potatoes and tomatoes: Leslie, Penny, Tess, Ahmet, Fatma, Quianna, Marissa, Holly and Ken

August 24th in the sweltering heat at Nittany Meadow Farm some wonderful volunteers planted some fall crops: Bob, Tim, Wanda, Bill,  Tess, and Drew

August 26th at Fox Hill many of the PSU Local Chapter Alumni and some others, too, harvested many bags of corn: Kathleen, Jamie, Joe, MaryLou, Ann, Ken, Patty, Tim, Bob, Holly, and Bill

And, finally, so many Benefitted from this week’s TWnM donations: St. Andrews Community Cafe, Taproot Kitchen, Clients of the Centre County YMCA, State College Food Market, Faith Centre

Some of the wonderful produce that they received: corn, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, potatoes, collards, cantaloupes, squash (3 kinds), watermelon,  and tomatoes!



If you know of locations willing to post our ‘TWnM Need Volunteers” sign, please let me know….Karen


To Volunteer, please go to our Website:, Log in, Click on Volunteer, Opportunities, and Sign up!    (NOTE:  You MUST log into the Website to be able to Sign Up for Opportunities)

Thank you for your continued interest and help!  Please share our story and Website with others who may be interested in Volunteering with us…    We are limited only by the # of Volunteers we can engage to help us!


If you haven’t……

Please See Town & Gown’s May Issue to read about

Think We, not Me!

From Heart to Table: Think We, not Me is making an edible difference for residents in need, while offering gardening experience and expertise to volunteers