TWnM “Planting at Nittany Meadow Farm”; Planting only, no field prep! Lettuce, Broccoli, Cauliflower; 8 Volunteers Needed
Nittany Meadow Farm Lane
Nittany Meadow Farm Lane (off 322 near Somerset Dr. You’ll see large fields, and a driveway that indicates One Way Out—ignore the sign, it’s the only way In!!) There is no location/house #.
Level of difficulty: Easy. All of the fabric has been laid down and the field prepared so just planting needed!
ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES: In addition to your General Volunteer activities, we are looking for (1) Photography Volunteer to take pictures. If you are willing to do either of these tasks, please click the appropriate checkbox which will appear after you click the “Sign Up Now” button. We will contact you with more details.
Please REMEMBER to check for TWnM UPDATES by scrolling to the bottom/end of our Website Home Page for Pix and our Thanks to all who volunteered for given opportunities!!
Important guidelines for your volunteer activity:
- Observe the directions for parking listed on the site description.
- Hydration is key – bring a water bottle!
- Our team will provide all needed equipment, such as shovels, rakes, carrying and storage containers, etc.
- Please wear closed-toed shoes and a shirt. Remember to bring boots if it has been raining recently.
- Volunteering sessions will last NO LONGER than 2 hours (unless you choose to remain if work remains to be done).
- If you have your own gloves, please bring your own (we will have a limited amount available for those who don’t have gloves)
- There are no restroom facilities at any TWnM garden site (our regular volunteer sessions are only 2 hours long)
PLEASE NOTE: No children under the age of 14…..all Volunteers 14 -16 must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian who must register to participate.
Need to cancel? We rely on our volunteers, but we also understand that life happens. If you’re unable to attend a workday simply log back on and cancel your registration, preferably at least 48 hours before your workday.
Please note that volunteer shifts may be canceled for several reasons including the weather. You will be notified of a cancellation by an email. Please check your email before leaving your home if there’s a chance of a weather-related cancellation (will be an email from WordPress@thinkwenotme.org)
Awareness of Risk. You understand that participating in a TWnM Community Food Growing Program (TWnM) volunteer opportunity (“Opportunity”) has a risk of death or injury. The risks could be caused by you, other volunteers, TWnM, or the owner of the property on which a Garden or Orchard is located (referred to as “Landowner.”) The risks could also come from the condition of the land where the Garden or Orchard is located, or the equipment and tools available at the Garden or Orchard, or the weather or other environmental or local conditions. You also understand that hazardous conditions may exist at the Garden or Orchard and that other volunteers may be unskilled.
Assumption of Risk and Waiver and Release of Claims. In exchange for your right to participate in an Opportunity, you agree to take on the risk of harm even if the potential harm is caused by someone else. (In legal terms, you agree to “assume the risk.”) You also agree to give up (“waive”) any right you may have to sue or otherwise attempt to collect money from the Landowner, TWnM, their board members and officers, employees, volunteers, or anyone acting on their behalf (referred to altogether as “Released Parties”) for any losses or damages resulting from death, injury, or property damage to you, anyone else, or any property, that occurs while you are in the Garden or Orchard or travel to and from the Opportunity or any events incidental to this Opportunity (In legal terms, you “waive and release all claims” against the Released Parties.) You understand that the TWnM would not permit you to participate in the Opportunity without your agreeing to these waivers and releases.
Medical Care Waiver. You give up any right to sue or otherwise attempt to collect money from (“waive and release any claim from”) the Released Parties arising out of any first aid, treatment, or medical service, including the lack of such or timing of such, given in connection with your participation in the Opportunity. You understand that you are not covered by or eligible for any workers’ compensation, or any other benefits maintained by TWnM.
Indemnification. You are responsible for any damages or losses suffered by TWnM that are caused by your actions. (In legal terms, you agree to indemnify and hold the Released Parties harmless.)
Publicity. You agree to allow TWnM to use any photographs, interviews, videotapes, film, other visual or auditory recordings, or any other medium, including the internet, of you that we or others may create in connection with your participation in the Opportunity. You agree that you do not have to inspect or approve the finished project and you are not entitled to any compensation for the finished product.
The TWnM Community Food Growing Program Team