The Think We, not Me Community Food Growing Program needs more vegetable and fruit growers. Your donated produce will make a real difference to those who are hungry.

We will provide you with:

  1. Seeds/Seedlings for the produce you grow to give to the community
  2. A reasonable number of volunteers to help plant and harvest your donated fruit or vegetables,
  3. Transport of your harvest to our distribution partners, and
  4. Gardening expertise, if requested.

The produce you give back to the community will be donated to our local Centre County Food Banks and other Non-Profit and Church organizations that provide food or meals to those who are food insecure. In 2024, the Think We, not Me Program provided 46,000 lbs. of produce, all for these organizations!


The minimum garden space we support in this program is 10,000 sq. ft. Orchards with 5 or more fruit trees or 30 bushes (blueberries, raspberries, black berries, etc.) are preferred.

We may indicate several choices of crops we want you to grow and when to grow your crop to help us predict what and when we can donate to our Distribution partners. Crops require varying amounts of space, and your donation crop will depend on the size of your garden and what crop or crops you would like to grow.

To avoid having multiple crops mature at once, we may ask you to grow an early, mid, or late planting for your donation crop. For consistency, we generally ask you to grow a limited variety of each vegetable or fruit.

If you have additional questions, please contact Bill Zimmer at,

Sign Up For The Grower Program Below

Bill Zimmer or another member of our TWnM team will contact you after you sign up to discuss your specific situation.

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