Volunteer Activities

Field Prep

Each Spring and Fall we remove plant debris, till the fields, lay down or pick up weed control fabric and apply compost and other soil amendments. There are always rocks to be removed and some raking, shoveling, lifting, and moving of materials. A great way to start or end the growing season!


We have staggered initial plantings in the Spring and second planting in late Summer for a variety of crops. This is always a fun and satisfying activity as we plant both seeds and seedlings. We have teams of 4-8 people in our larger parcels to hold this activity to a 2-hour time period.


During the growing season, we need volunteers to weed parcels, loosen soil, and apply amendments and fertilizer to achieve optimum yields. Throughout the year we need volunteers for maintaining and upgrading the growing areas.


Picking corn or tomatoes allows you to stand and harvest while crops like broccoli, lettuce and melons will need lots of bending and hands-and-knees work to get the job done. We always look for a number of volunteers to spread the load on harvest days! With over 20 different vegetables and fruits to harvest, there will be an activity for every age and ability.


Drivers needed to pick up harvested food from growers and transport to various drop-off locations. Must be at least 25 years of age and have your own vehicle and insurance. Capable of lifting boxes up to 50 lbs. 2 hours per week from July-October is typical.


Supporting our Program Coordinator, we need help with coordination of volunteers and deliveries and Website updating. 1-2 hours per week on average. Phone and computer skills required.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register to volunteer as an individual?

Please create an account by registering here. Once you have an account you can sign up for volunteer opportunities here.

Do I need to sign up in advance for a volunteer opportunity?

Yes, our volunteer opportunities are limited in attendance. Please visit the opportunities page to register for upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Are there volunteer opportunities for groups?

Yes, please contact Karen Robinson at gmkarrob@gmail.com

You can discuss the specifics of your group and and Karen will suggest dates and locations available for your team.

Is there an age minimum to volunteer?

No children under the age of 14…..all Volunteers 14 -16 must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian who we ask to also register to participate.

What do I do if I need to cancel/reschedule my volunteer shift?

You can cancel your registration for any volunteer opportunities from the Account tab. We ask you to cancel with at least 48 hours’ notice.

Am I required to make a long-term commitment?

No! We have many one time volunteer opportunities, though we find our volunteers keep coming back!

What do I wear/what should I bring when I volunteer?

It is important to dress appropriately. Closed toes, comfortable shoes or work boots, and long pants are often necessary. Make sure to also bring a water bottle and sunscreen depending on the season.

Do you have volunteer opportunities during evenings or Saturdays?

Yes! We have volunteer opportunities throughout the week and weekend.

Welcome to the TWnM Community Food Growing Program!

The TWnM is welcoming individuals and groups of healthy volunteers. Please be assured that we conduct our volunteer opportunities respecting the most up-to-date information regarding the Covid-19 virus. We can’t wait to see you, and we’re committed to keeping your health and safety a top priority.

If you are new to Think We, not Me then you will want to start by creating an account. This allows us to have your contact information for volunteering opportunities. Click the “Register” button to get started.

Once you are registered, you will be able to sign up for volunteer opportunities. You can find all upcoming opportunities by clicking on the “Opportunities” button. Signing up is a breeze, as is canceling. We ask that you cancel volunteer registrations with 48 hours’ notice. You can access any volunteer opportunities you are signed up for by accessing the “My Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities” dropdown from the “Accounts” tab.